last month in Santa Barbara, California, addressing some of the world’s leading astrophysicists, Selma de Mink cut to the chase. “How did they form?” she began.
“They,” as everybody knew, were the two massive black holes that,
more than 1 billion years ago and in a remote corner of the cosmos,
spiraled together and merged, making waves in the fabric of space and
time. These “gravitational waves” rippled outward and, on Sept. 14,
2015, swept past Earth, strumming the ultrasensitive detectors of the
Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). LIGO’s discovery, announced in February, triumphantly vindicated Albert Einstein’s 1916 prediction that gravitational waves exist.
By tuning in to these tiny tremors in space-time and revealing for the
first time the invisible activity of black holes—objects so dense that
not even light can escape their gravitational pull—LIGO promised to open
a new window on the universe, akin, some said, to when Galileo first
pointed a telescope at the sky.
Already, the new gravitational-wave data has shaken up the field of
astrophysics. In response, three dozen experts spent two weeks in August
sorting through the implications at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical
Physics (KITP) in Santa Barbara.
Jump-starting the discussions, de Mink, an assistant professor of
astrophysics at the University of Amsterdam, explained that of the
two—and possibly more—black-hole mergers that LIGO has detected so far,
the first and mightiest event, labeled GW150914, presented the biggest
puzzle. LIGO was expected to spot pairs of black holes weighing in the
neighborhood of 10 times the mass of the sun, but these packed roughly
30 solar masses apiece. “They are there—massive black holes, much more
massive than we thought they were,” de Mink said to the room. “So, how
did they form?”
The mystery, she explained, is twofold: How did the black holes get
so massive, considering that stars, some of which collapse to form black
holes, typically blow off most of their mass before they die, and how
did they get so close to each other—close enough to merge within the
lifetime of the universe? “These are two things that are sort of
mutually exclusive,” de Mink said. A pair of stars that are born huge
and close together will normally mingle and then merge before ever
collapsing into black holes, failing to kick up detectable gravitational
Nailing down the story behind GW150914 “is challenging all our understanding,” said Matteo Cantiello,
an astrophysicist at KITP. Experts must retrace the uncertain steps
from the moment of the merger back through the death, life and birth of a
pair of stars—a sequence that involves much unresolved astrophysics.
“This will really reinvigorate certain old questions in our
understanding of stars,” said Eliot Quataert,
a professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, and
one of the organizers of the KITP program. Understanding LIGO’s data
will demand a reckoning of when and why stars go supernova; which ones
turn into which kinds of stellar remnants; how stars’ composition, mass
and rotation affect their evolution; how their magnetic fields operate;
and more.
The work has just begun, but already LIGO’s first few detections have
pushed two theories of binary black-hole formation to the front of the
pack. Over the two weeks in Santa Barbara, a rivalry heated up between
the new “chemically homogeneous” model for the formation of black-hole
binaries, proposed by de Mink and colleagues earlier this year, and the
classic “common envelope” model espoused by many other experts. Both
theories (and a cluster of competitors) might be true somewhere in the
cosmos, but probably only one of them accounts for the vast majority of
black-hole mergers. “In science,” said Daniel Holz of the University of Chicago, a common-envelope proponent, “there’s usually only one dominant process—for anything.”
Star Stories
The story of GW150914 almost certainly starts with massive
stars—those that are at least eight times as heavy as the sun and which,
though rare, play a starring role in galaxies. Massive stars are the
ones that explode as supernovas, spewing matter into space to be
recycled as new stars; only their cores then collapse into black holes
and neutron stars, which drive exotic and influential phenomena such as
gamma-ray bursts, pulsars and X-ray binaries. De Mink and collaborators showed in 2012
that most known massive stars live in binary systems. Binary massive
stars, in her telling, “dance” and “kiss” and suck each other’s hydrogen
fuel “like vampires,” depending on the circumstances. But which
circumstances lead them to shrink down to points that recede behind
veils of darkness, and then collide?
The conventional common-envelope story, developed over decades starting with the 1970s work of the Soviet scientists Aleksandr Tutukov and Lev Yungelson,
tells of a pair of massive stars that are born in a wide orbit. As the
first star runs out of fuel in its core, its outer layers of hydrogen
puff up, forming a “red supergiant.” Much of this hydrogen gas gets
sucked away by the second star, vampire-style, and the core of the first
star eventually collapses into a black hole. The interaction draws the
pair closer, so that when the second star puffs up into a supergiant, it
engulfs the two of them in a common envelope. The companions sink ever
closer as they wade through the hydrogen gas. Eventually, the envelope
is lost to space, and the core of the second star, like the first,
collapses into a black hole. The two black holes are close enough to
someday merge.
Because the stars shed so much mass, this model is expected to yield
pairs of black holes on the lighter side, weighing in the ballpark of 10
solar masses. LIGO’s second signal,
from the merger of eight- and 14-solar-mass black holes, is a home run
for the model. But some experts say that the first event, GW150914, is a
In a June paper in Nature,
Holz and collaborators Krzysztof Belczynski, Tomasz Bulik and Richard
O’Shaughnessy argued that common envelopes can theoretically produce
mergers of 30-solar-mass black holes if the progenitor stars weigh
something like 90 solar masses and contain almost no metal (which
accelerates mass loss). Such heavy binary systems are likely to be
relatively rare in the universe, raising doubts in some minds about
whether LIGO would have observed such an outlier so soon. In Santa
Barbara, scientists agreed that if LIGO detects many very heavy mergers
relative to lighter ones, this will weaken the case for the
common-envelope scenario.
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This weakness of the conventional theory has created an opening for
new ideas. One such idea began brewing in 2014, when de Mink and Ilya
Mandel, an astrophysicist at the University of Birmingham and a member
of the LIGO collaboration, realized that a type of binary-star system
that de Mink has studied for years might be just the ticket to forming
massive binary black holes.
The chemically homogeneous model begins with a pair of massive stars
that are rotating around each other extremely rapidly and so close
together that they become “tidally locked,” like tango dancers. In
tango, “you are extremely close, so your bodies face each other all the
time,” said de Mink, a dancer herself. “And that means you are spinning
around each other, but it also forces you to spin around your own axis
as well.” This spinning stirs the stars, making them hot and homogeneous
throughout. And this process might allow the stars to undergo fusion
throughout their whole interiors, rather than just their cores, until
both stars use up all their fuel. Because the stars never expand, they
do not intermingle or shed mass. Instead, each collapses wholesale under
its own weight into a massive black hole. The black holes dance for a
few billion years, gradually spiraling closer and closer until, in a
space-time-buckling split second, they coalesce.
De Mink and Mandel made their case for the chemically homogeneous model in a paper posted online in January. Another paper proposing the same idea, by researchers at the University of Bonn led by the graduate student Pablo Marchant,
appeared days later. When LIGO announced the detection of GW150914 the
following month, the chemically homogeneous theory shot to prominence.
“What I’m discussing was a pretty crazy story up to the moment that it
made, very nicely, black holes of the right mass,” de Mink said.
However, aside from some provisional evidence, the existence of
stirred stars is speculative. And some experts question the model’s
efficacy. Simulations suggest that the chemically homogeneous model
struggles to explain smaller black-hole binaries like those in LIGO’s
second signal. Worse, doubt has arisen as to how well the theory really
accounts for GW150914, which is supposed to be its main success story.
“It’s a very elegant model,” Holz said. “It’s very compelling. The
problem is that it doesn’t seem to fully work.”
All Spun Up
Along with the masses of the colliding black holes, LIGO’s
gravitational-wave signals also reveal whether the black holes were
spinning. At first, researchers paid less attention to the spin
measurement, in part because gravitational waves only register spin if
black holes are spinning around the same axis that they orbit each other
around, saying nothing about spin in other directions. However, in a May paper,
researchers at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J., and
the Hebrew University of Jerusalem argued that the kind of spin that
LIGO measures is exactly the kind black holes would be expected to have
if they formed via the chemically homogeneous channel. (Tango dancers
spin and orbit each other in the same direction.) And yet, the
30-solar-mass black holes in GW150914 were measured to have very low
spin, if any, seemingly striking a blow against the tango scenario.
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“Is spin a problem for the chemically homogeneous channel?” Sterl Phinney,
a professor of astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology,
prompted the Santa Barbara group one afternoon. After some debate, the
scientists agreed that the answer was yes.
However, mere days later, de Mink, Marchant, and Cantiello found a
possible way out for the theory. Cantiello, who has recently made
strides in studying stellar magnetic fields, realized that the tangoing
stars in the chemically homogeneous channel are essentially spinning
balls of charge that would have powerful magnetic fields, and these
magnetic fields are likely to cause the star’s outer layers to stream
into strong poles. In the same way that a spinning figure skater slows
down when she extends her arms, these poles would act like brakes,
gradually reducing the stars’ spin. The trio has since been working to
see if their simulations bear out this picture. Quataert called the idea
“plausible but perhaps a little weaselly.”
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On the last day of the program, setting the stage for an eventful
autumn as LIGO comes back online with higher sensitivity and more
gravitational-wave signals roll in, the scientists signed “Phinney’s
Declaration,” a list of concrete statements about what their various
theories predict. “Though all models for black hole binaries may be
created equal (except those inferior ones proposed by our competitors),”
begins the declaration, drafted by Phinney, “we hope that observational
data will soon make them decidedly unequal.”
As the data pile up, an underdog theory of black-hole binary
formation could conceivably gain traction—for instance, the notion that
binaries form through dynamical interactions inside dense star-forming
regions called “globular clusters.” LIGO’s first run suggested that
black-hole mergers are more common than the globular-cluster model
predicts. But perhaps the experiment just got lucky last time and the
estimated merger rate will drop.
Adding to the mix, a group of cosmologists recently theorized that
GW150914 might have come from the merger of primordial black holes,
which were never stars to begin with but rather formed shortly after the
Big Bang from the collapse of energetic patches of space-time.
Intriguingly, the researchers argued in a recent paper in Physical Review Letters
that such 30-solar-mass primordial black holes could comprise some or
all of the missing “dark matter” that pervades the cosmos. There’s a way
of testing the idea against astrophysical signals called fast radio
It’s perhaps too soon to dwell on such an enticing possibility;
astrophysicists point out that it would require suspiciously good luck
for black holes from the Big Bang to happen to merge at just the right
time for us to detect them, 13.8 billion years later. This is another
example of the new logic that researchers must confront at the dawn of
gravitational-wave astronomy. “We’re at a really fun stage,” de Mink
said. “This is the first time we’re thinking in these pictures.”
Original story reprinted with permission from Quanta Magazine, an editorially independent publication of the Simons Foundation
whose mission is to enhance public understanding of science by covering
research developments and trends in mathematics and the physical and
life sciences.
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