Monday, September 12, 2016

What Will Happen If Flash Actually Travels At The Speed Of Light

If Flash, the superhero, could travel at the speed of light, he could go around the Earth 7 times in one second. But that is not the end of the story, he will face some mind-boggling consequences. Here, we must make it clear at first hand that this is completely a thought experiment based on present real scientific facts. It is practically impossible for anything having a mass to achieve the speed of light. We will also explain why anything having some mass can’t reach the speed of light. Thought experiment is the root of theoretical physics, and the speed of light is fascinating one. Light is the key that unlocks our knowledge about the universe and various weird phenomena in cosmology. The speed of light is constant irrespective of any frame of reference and its value  is 299792458 m/s.  Let us check out what happens if Flash will travel at the speed of light.

1. His mass will increase to infinity

An object will gain infinite mass at the speed of light
If an object will travel at extremely high speed, it will gain mass. If an object travels at 90% of the speed of light, then its mass would be 2 times its original mass. However, when an object travels near the speed of light, its mass will increase exponentially! If any object reaches the speed of light, its mass will become Infinite. Infinite mass will need infinite energy for acceleration, and providing infinite energy is impossible. Infinite is a very big thing, it doesn’t matter how large amount of energy you imagine, it will be still less than infinity. This is the reason that anything having mass can’t reach the speed of light. Scientists have been able to accelerate particles in Large Hadron Collider to 99.99% of the speed of light. But still not achieved exactly the speed of light. We know that light consists of photons, one can ask how photons can reach that speed? The answer is very simple, a photon has zero mass.

Only for mathematical enthusiasts, here is the proof, Flash can’t travel at the speed of light.

The only way for Flash to move at the speed of light is that he should have zero mass.

For mathematical nerds, the reason flash can’t travel at the speed of light.

2. Flash will face time dilation and time travel

Relative Time

This is a real tricky one. We experience a Newtonian form of time in our daily life, i.e, something flowing smoothly and at a constant rate. But Einstein confirmed that time is something relative, it is not constant everywhere. It may look difficult to understand but actually, it is not difficult to understand, rather it is difficult to accept. Time dilation is a difference of elapsed time as measured by observers. Clocks on the Space Shuttle run slightly slower than reference clocks on Earth, while clocks on GPS and Galileo satellites run slightly faster. This effect arises neither from technical aspects of the clocks nor from the propagation time of signals, but from the nature of spacetime. The person traveling at extremely high speed would experience a slowing of time. If a person is traveling at 90% of the speed of light, his clock will be slow down by half with respect to the stationary observer. The faster flash will move with respect to the stationary observer, the more time slows down for him. If he will achieve exactly the speed of light, time will stop completely for him.

Again, only for those who are interested in the mathematical way of understanding, here is the example that provides an essence of time travel.

Time Dilation

3.  Field of view will drastically change for Flash

Field of view at the speed of light
 Near  the speed of light,  everything will appear to Flash as passing through a tunnel-shaped window . Also, objects in front of him will appear blue and the objects behind him will appear red. This is nothing but the extreme situation of Doppler Effect. The spectrum of light waves in front of him will crowd together, making the objects appear blue, while the light waves behind him will spread apart and appear red.  After a certain speed, he would only see darkness because the wavelength of the light entering his eyes will be out of the visible spectrum.

 4. Entire universe will shrink to zero for Flash
Time will completely stop exactly at the speed of light for Flash. Flash would travel billions of light years but still he will feel zero time elapsed. Suppose two stars are there, star A and star B, 5 billion light years away from each other. Flash will take billion years to move from star A to star B from the point of view of an observer on the planet earth. But for Flash time elapsed will be zero, he will reach from star A to star B in zero time. The reason is that, at the speed of light, length will appear shrunk to zero. He will experience that both star A and star B are exactly at the same location, though they are billions of light years away!

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